JAMB Matriculation List For NYSC Mobilization 2024

All PCMs Are To Confirm Their Names on JAMB Matriculation List Before They Are Mobilized. Learn How To Access JAMB Matriculation List. JAMB Matriculation ListJAMB Matriculation List:

Are you wondering how to check the JAMB matriculation list? Then, you have come to the right place for this information. In this article, we are going to provide you with valid and useful information on how to check JAMB matriculation list for NYSC mobilization. I would advise you pay attention to all parts of this article.

It is very important for any prospective corps member to check the JAMB matriculation list before registration, if your name is not found on the JAMB matriculation list, you would not be mobilized for the NYSC program. In fact, it is advisable to check the JAMB matriculation list while you are still in school. If you want to find out more on this topic, then keep reading this article.

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JAMB Matriculation List Checking Portal

The JAMB matriculation list checking portal is one that has been developed and provided to help prospective corps members to check is their admissions have been recognized by JAMB. If their admission has not been recognized by JAMB, they would not be able to participate in the NYSC program in the future. This means that the earlier you check this list, the better for you.

Why Is It Important To Check The JAMB Matriculation List

According to JAMB, it is important that you confirm your name from the matriculation list. Only candidates whose names are on the list are recognized as bona fide students from the various accredited institutions.

By implication, if your name is not on the matriculation list, your application to NYSC scheme for the one-year National service shall be declined.

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How To Qualify To Be On The Matriculation List

To qualify to be on the matriculation list, you must do the following:

  • Print your admission letter online from the e-Facility platform
  • Print your result slip online from the e-Facility platform
  • Verify the two documents with the admission officer in your institution.

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How To Check JAMB Matriculation List

Checking your name or status on the JAMB matriculation list is not as difficult as you probably think it is. Follow these simple steps to check JAMB matriculation list:

  • The first thing you need to do is open your browser and go to the matriculation list portal
  • Next, pick your examination year (The year you wrote your UTME exam)
  • You also need to input your JAMB registration number
  • Once you have done all that, click on the “Fetch my details” button

N.B: if you are on the matriculation list, you would get a congratulatory message. However, there are other messages you might get after checking which we are going to discuss below:

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1. Kindly Print JAMB Admission

If you have checked the matriculation list with your correct details and you get this message, it means that you need to print your JAMB admission letter.

2. Kindly Print JAMB Result Slip

This is another message you may get if you check the matriculation list, it means that you need to print your JAMB result slip.

3. Kindly Print The JAMB Admission Letter And Result Slip

Sometimes, you can get this response if you have checked the matriculation list with your details. It means that you need to print your JAMB admission letter as well as your result slip.

4. You Have Not Been Given Admission Yet

If you get this response after checking the matriculation list, it means that you need to regularize your admission. To do this, you would have to fill an online form that would be give to the admission office afterwards. Once you have done this, you would get an email on the next step to take.

How To Add Your Name To The JAMB Matriculation List

If you have issues with your name being on the matriculation list, you can follow these steps to solve the problem:

  • The first thing you need to do is go to the JAMB website
  • Next, you would need to print your JAMB result as well as your admission letter
  • Once you have printed these documents, you would need to sometime for your name to be automatically uploaded to the JAMB matriculation list
  • If you are yet to submit your admission letter to your institution, you would also need to do so.
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What To Do If You Gained Admission Through Other Bodies Apart from JAMB

Many people complain of getting admission into their institution from other bodies like JUPEB, IJMB, A’level and so on. Well, if you have gained admission through other bodies aside JAMB, you would not find your name on the JAMB matriculation list. Not to worry, as it is not a problem, it can easily be solved.

All you need to do is JAMB regularization. This process is also called “JAMB late application” which is done by students that have been admitted to higher institutions through other bodies where JAMB officially validates your admission.

How To Do JAMB Regularization

To regularize your admission, follow these steps below:

  • Visit JAMB official website jamb.org.ng/
  • Click the “late application” button
  • Once you have done this, you would be taken to an instruction page, read it then proceed
  • Follow the instructions you have been given on the page and proceed to do your regularization

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What Is The JAMB Matriculation List Portal?

The JAMB matriculation list portal is https://portal.jamb.gov.ng/efacility/

2. What Portal Can I Do My Jamb Regularization?

You can do your JAMB regularization through the official website of JAMB.

3. Can You Register For NYSC Without Your Name Being On The Senate List?

No, it is impossible to register for NYSC without having your name on the senate list. The senate list is an official list of those that have graduated from an institution sent to JAMB.

4. How Much Is NYSC Salary Per Month?

33,000 NGN

5. Does JAMB Name Affect NYSC?

Yes, your JAMB name can affect NYSC if it is not in the other which it appears on your certificate.


We have mentioned that confirming your name on the JAMB matriculation list makes you avoid stories that touches the heart when you wish to register for the NYSC program. It is therefore important that you check your name as soon as possible to avoid future problems. If you need more information on this topic, please let us know in the comment section down below!

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