
Best Bottled Water Brands (Find Out Here)

Discover the Best Bottled Water Brands To Choose From For A Satisfying Taste. Best Bottled WaterBest Bottled Water:

Water is the one of the most essential things of life. This means that no human being can live without drinking water. Many people believe that drinking bottled water is cleaner or safer than other kinds of water that are sold. It can also be very confusing trying to pick out the best brand of bottled water and that is why I have written this piece to help you.

This article centers on outlining the best bottled water brands to pick from whenever you need to. If you want to see more about this, then keep reading this article.

Best Bottled Water Brands

Here are the best bottled water brands to choose:

1. Fiji

At the top of our list, we have Fiji. This brand has been available in the market since 1996 and it sourced from a volcanic rock. The taste of this water is simply great as the water gets the right amount of nutrients from its source. Although, Fiji water is quite more expensive than other regular brands, it is absolutely worth it.

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2. Evian

The next best bottled water we have on our list is Evian. This brand made it to the lost for its notable “nothing added” approach. It does not have any chemical mixed to enhance the taste of the water and is naturally sourced. It also has a very crispy taste that leave s you feeling hydrated for a long time.

3. Icelandic Glacial

The third bottled water on our list the Icelandic Glacial. This brand is the first bottle water company to be certified carbon neutral. One thing I love about this brand is also how beautiful its packaging is.  In fact, in 2005, this brand won the “best overall concept and best label” at the bottled water world design awards.

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4. Voss

Voss is also an outstanding bottled water brand. The branding and taste of this water is just top notch with lower levels of total dissolved solids (TDS) and collagen to keep your skin glowing all year round.

5. Waiakea

Next on our list, we have Waiakea. This water is one of the purest among the popular brands of water. It tastes very clean and it is enough to keep you hydrated for a longer time. There have been so many great reviews about this water so I totally recommend.

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6. Ethos

The next best bottled water we have on our list is Ethos. This brand happens to be one of the most popular out there owned by Starbucks. It is a high quality, natural spring water enough to keep you feeling full and hydrated.

7. Acqua Panna

The seventh best bottled water we have is Acqua Panna. I would absolutely recommend this brand for you if you are coming from a very hot sun. It is a natural spring water named after villa Panna estate. Although this water is quite expensive when compared to others, it is very high in mineral content good for your body and skin.

8. Penta

Next on our list, we have Penta. This brand is marketed as an ultra-pure bottled water which means that it is free from any form of addictive and pollutions. It is chlorine free, arsenic free, fluoride free and so on. If you are looking for a pure water, this is the one!

9. Eternal Water

Just like the name “eternal”, this brand makes you feel satisfied for a long time and is among the best brand of water. This brand source its water from the United States and the underground springs were forged from energetic volcanic activity and ancient plate collisions and it is very much hydrating.

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10. Essentia

Lastly on our list of best bottled water, we have Essentia. This brand claims to that its water is filled with an exceptionally high PH of 9,5 and it is about 99.9% pure premium water. This brand is also more expensive than regular bottled waters because it claims “superior hydration” as its motto.

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. Which Water Is Best To Drink?

The best kind of water to drink remains spring water as it provides the proper nutrients as it moves through the body.

2. What Is the Best Water For Kidney?

The best water for maintaining a healthy kidney is pure and naturally filtered water.

3. What Type Of Water Bottle Lasts The Longest?

Water bottles made from metal are known to last the longest.

4. What Are The Top 3 Healthy Water?

Mineral, structured and pure spring water


Many people many not be able to tell the difference in different bottled water, I put it to you to try any of the brands we have listed below and watch how you’ll never go back. I hope this article was very helpful to you. If you have any question on this article, please let us know in the comment section down below!

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